
Helios Education Foundation’s investment objectives are based on the sound and prudent management of the endowment, which is designed to exist in perpetuity.

We manage our resources and operations under the following three principles: Asset Preservation, Growth, and Intergenerational Equity which means that we strive to ensure that future generations will benefit from the same amount of investment in the community that we currently provide today.

The Foundation’s community investment strategy and strong financial position are developed under the close guidance and leadership of the Foundation’s Finance Committee and in partnership with the Foundation’s Chief Financial Officer and an independent financial consulting firm.

Our Certified Public Accountants conducted an independent auditor’s report and issued an unqualified opinion of the Foundation’s financial statements. They did not issue a management letter for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018.

For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, Helios Education Foundation invested $17,380,000 into programs and initiatives that are helping to create opportunities for individuals in Arizona and Florida to pursue a postsecondary education.